
Rabbit Pedigrees
Many of the people who have bought rabbits from us are getting into rabbits to breed for meat. They are interested in Silver Fox as a...

Our First NiO Babies
We had our first of NiO's offspring born in early June. We have been looking forward to these half Alaska Red Fox babies since we...

Ways to Use Rabbit Manure
My boys bag our rabbit manure regularly to sell to people wanting garden amendments. Rabbit manure is one of the most nutrient-dense...

RHDV - What You Need to Know About This Deadly Virus
Rabbit Hemmorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) is a virus that affects rabbits and possibly other small rodents. It is also known as Viral...

Rabbit Supplies We Recommend
We have tried out many different watering, feeding, and other rabbit care items. Here are the ones we use and recommend. Most of these...

Rabbit Tatooing
Tattooing rabbits for breeding and showing is an important part of operating a rabbitry. A permanent tatoo allows you to positively...

Assisted Nursing and Supplemental Feeding of Newborn Rabbits
Sometimes babies have a hard time finding enough space at the "milk bar" the first few days. We check our baby rabbits every morning and...

Planning Rabbit Breedings
Once you have bought your initial breeding stock (often a trio of two does and one buck), you will want to figure out how to choose which...

DIY Hay Rack
We like to put hay in racks for our rabbits because we have found they waste less that way and also to help keep the cage floor clear of...

Choosing Rabbit Breeding Stock
When buying stock, we recommend picking a purebred breed and buying pedigreed stock from a reputable breeder. A purebred, show quality...

How We Feed Our Rabbits
RABBIT FEED *Update (7/1/22): With rising feed costs, and our commitment to raise non-GMO meat rabbits, we continue to experiment with...

Make Your Own Rabbit Cages
Supplies: 1"x2" galvanized wire 1/2"x1" wire J-Clips J-Clip Pliers Wire Cutters Bolt Snap Step 1: Roll out the wire. It helps to have...