We have tried out many different watering, feeding, and other rabbit care items. Here are the ones we use and recommend. Most of these can be purchased at allthingsbunnies.com or Tractor Supply, but you can check your local farm and pet stores as well as other online outlets to find the best prices.
Microcyn Eye Gel
Bunny Well Waterer - this waterer makes everything easily accessible from the outside of the cage, which means our boys can do the feeding and watering without assistance. We do still use the water dishes below for freezing temps and in the heat of summer.
Water dishes - 2 quart for single rabbits, 4 quart for does and babies - these were recommended by a local breeder and do a great job in freezing temperatures and are also great in the summer as the rabbits can get inside the water to cool off.
Water Bottles - we primarily use the dishes above, but we do keep a bottle of water in our doe/baby cages so that babies get exposed to the bottle to prep for future homes, and to act as a backup in case the water dish gets spilled. For other rabbits who have a habit of dumping water, we also add a bottle as a backup. We don't want to risk our rabbits ever running out of water. We like the wide-mouth bottles for ease of filling.
Feeders - 5.5" for single rabbits, 11.5" for does and babies for feeding pellets. We are now using the combo hay/pellet feeders and highly recommend them. It makes feeding time easy and reduces hay waste.
No-Tip Dishes or Ceramic Bowls - for feeding grains
Hay Rack - or we DIY a hay rack out of leftover cage wire with cardboard inserted into the back to keep hay from falling outside the cage
Treats - our does love these treats
Dried Herbs - we get herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs, you can see a list of recommended herbs at Rise and Shine Rabbitry
Wood Nest Boxes - we like the dimensions 11.25 in. W x 21 in. D x 10 in. H
Adding a lip at the front of nest boxes is recommended to keep babies from falling out of the nest, or being dragged out by the doe while nursing
Metal Nest Boxes
DIY Nest Boxes - you can also make your own, which is more cost-effective when you need several
Cage Bedding - this is the best for keeping cages and bunnies clean, and it is also easy to clean and less mess in the house
Nest Bedding - one option is to use a layer of pine shavings covered by a layer of hay or straw
Nest Bedding - pine pellets can go at the bottom of nest box to absorb moisture
Nest Bedding - shredded paper can be used instead of or mixed with shavings
Nest Bedding - soft straw can be used instead of hay, make sure it is relatively dust-free
Tattoo Pen - this is the pen we use and we like the metal tip that is removeable and easily cleaned or replaced
Tattoo Supplies: Gigi numbing spray, cotton balls, alcohol, skin marker, Vaseline, Bag Balm
Apple Cider Vinegar - 2 Tbsp per gallon of water we use the kind with the mother
Cleaning Cages - we use a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water sprayed on the cage and scrubbed off with a wire brush
Disinfecting Cages - we use a 1:10 solution of bleach and water to disinfect cages, this is important as a biosecurity measure, particularly concerning RHDV2
Chlorhexidine - for disinfecting cages, nest boxes, feeders and water bowls
Garden Sprayer - for vinegar solution or chlorhexidine solution
Medical Treatment Recommendations
Bag Balm - wound treatment
Kwik Stop - have on hand when trimming nails
Microcyn Eye Gel - great for gunky or crusty eyes to keep them from getting infected
Terramycin - for eye infections
Bene-Bac - for gut health during times of stress
Pro Bios - for gut health during times of stress
Oxbow Critical Care - appetite stimulant for sick rabbits
Oxy-Gen Gut Pro - digestive treatment for more intense situations or sick rabbits
Nursing Kit - we usually opt to do assisted nursings, but having some milk replacer on hand can be useful when you need it
Coccidiosis Treatment
Parasite Treatment - includes options labeled for use in rabbits
Craisins - for bladder/UTI issues
Pedialyte (unflavored) - treat dehydration for rabbits with GI illness
Mineral Oil - ear mite treatment; 2 drops in each ear daily for 3 days
Grooming Block - removes shedding hair when molting and for show prep
Nail Trimming
Slicker Brush
Grooming Spray - shine enhancer and good for a pre-grooming spray