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Buying Our Rabbits

We are so glad you are considering buying a rabbit from us. Please read through our pages to learn more about our rabbits, our sales policies, and how to transition our rabbits to your home or rabbitry. 


All rabbits are sold with care instructions on how to transition them, and with a one-week supply their current feed so you can transition them to another feed without causing digestive upset.

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Rabbit Selection:

I do my best to select a rabbit for you based on the preferences you indicated to me for color and quality for show, breeding, or pet. People on my waitlist will be notified first and given first choice of the rabbits I have available. I will send you photos and a description of my assessment of the rabbit that fits the qualities you indicated you desired and you can let me know if you want to proceed and purchase the rabbit. Once I have worked through the waitlist, sometimes we still have a few rabbits available. Those will be posted on our Sales page and offered to the public. 


Our Guarantee:

I guarantee that my rabbits are healthy at the time of sale. I cannot guarantee their future performance on the show table, fertility as breeding stock, or personality. All show or breeding quality rabbits will have a unique identifier tattooed in their left ear.


For rabbits sold as breeding or showing stock quality, I will provide a 3-generation pedigree. I determine the sex of the babies myself, but mistakes can happen so if I make an error in gender assessment I will exchange it for another rabbit of the same quality and correct gender as quickly as I am able. 


We handle our babies regularly so they are used to being picked up, carried around, flipped on their back, and fussed with. They generally remain calm and willing if they continue to be handled and petted regularly after they leave our farm.




Rabbits under six months old that are show and breeding prospects are usually priced between $50-60 depending on quality and color. They are sold with pedigrees, but since they are still young, I cannot guarantee how they will do as a show or breeding animal. I will guarantee that show quality animals will be free from all known disqualifications at the time of sale. 


Rabbits that are over six months old that are proven as show rabbits, herd bucks or brood does are priced depending on their age and qualities. They can run anywhere from $45 - $100. They are sold with their pedigrees and any ARBA legs or GC certificates they have earned. 


Meat Quality Rabbits:

For homesteaders wanting to get started with a trio of rabbits, we are happy to offer rabbits who possess excellent structure but don't quite meet the strict requirements for showing or breeding show quality rabbits, so these rabbits may exhibit some of the visual qualities that would disqualify them from showing. As such, these rabbits are priced between $40-50. 


Pet Rabbits:
Pet quality rabbits will usually be priced around $35-40. These are healthy rabbits but do not possess the qualities we are looking for in a show or breeding stock rabbit, or are a high quality rabbit that just does not fit into our current breeding program. We also occasionally sell retired breeding or show animals as pets to loving homes. This is often the case for rabbits we are particularly attached to and we can be highly selective about the homes we will place them in. Rabbits sold as pets will not come with a pedigree.


Your Responsibility:

It is your responsibility to inspect the rabbit you are purchasing to ensure that it is the gender and quality expected and to determine that the rabbit is free from any noticeable signs of illness.


Lifetime Support:

When you buy a rabbit from our rabbitry, you gain our lifetime support and advice. We love our rabbits and we want them to do well and for you to enjoy them. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have. We hope that all the rabbits leaving our care go to their forever homes but we do understand that circumstances can change. If you find that you can no longer provide the care that your rabbit needs, please contact us. We welcome back any rabbit we have sold, free of charge.


Other Policies:

We do not sell rabbits under the age of 8 weeks old. 

We reserve the right to refuse a sale at any time and for any reason. If a sale is canceled by us, any payment received will be refunded.


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